Dear Izo - I had lots of beautiful photo's to choose from today but I'm going with this one. Taken at the end of the day; when I finally get to lay down with you and give you 100% of my love and attention. With your sister, I had seemingly endless time to just stare at her and do nothing else. With you, I don't even get to soak you in entirely while nursing you because I'm also sitting on the floor doing a puzzle with Maya or playing hide and seek with her or helping her out at art class or just trying to catch up on sleep. But at the end of the day, when she is fast asleep, it's just your papa and I loving you up to bits. This is the moment I want to remember. I felt guilty that you weren't getting the same amount of attention as your sister but I realised how difficult those early days & months were with her. The stress, anxiety, migraines and coping with the physical pain of recovering from a c-section, mastitis and uterus infection. The time I had with her was so clouded and gloomy. But thanks to the incredibly perfect experience we shared bringing you into this world; my mind is clear, calm and content. We started our journey together on such a high that has just carried on so far. So the little time we do get together is just as profound as the endless hours I had with your sister.
Sweet baby girl, how perfect you are.