This is that 25 things about yourself from facebook.
1. I am an Indian woman married to a Dutchman with IBS (you’re real funny universe!).
2. My first kiss was magical. It was dinner and a movie followed by a 4 hour long conversation and a kiss at 5:00 am. 5 years later I married the guy.
3. I never loved my father and he didn’t know how to love. He died 3 years ago. I no longer resent him or blame him for anything. The past no long exists and now is PERFECT.
4. My mom is insightful, creative and alive. She is constantly evolving and no one on the face of this earth is a better cook than she is. She makes the most mouth watering Biryani and anyone who’s had it will agree. She knows no fear. We had a magical, difficult and happy life back in India.
5. My step-dad aka dad is the most loving and hysterically funny being I have ever met. Sometimes I feel like he has been my dad all along. He makes my beautiful mama laugh and blush like a silly 16 year old and I love him.
6. I practice, unconditional love, insight, truth, simplicity, awareness and being. I fail and I try.
7. I miss my chaddi friends (friends I grew up with). I’ve known some of them since the age of 3. And I love them so dearly. I miss the sleep overs and the insane amounts of food at Kushbu’s house. I miss being captain of Ruby house lol oh the power trips were fun!
8. A beautiful baby girl named Lauren joined our happy family.
9. I love our little apartment. I love cleaning it and decorating it and just being in it.
10. I think Valentines Day is stupid. Girls (and Frankie), get over it.
11. My all time favourite book is A Fine Balance. I cried for a good 30 minutes when I was done.
"'You see, we cannot draw lines and compartments and refuse to budge beyond them. Sometimes you have to use your failures as stepping-stones to success. You have to maintain a fine balance between hope and despair.' He paused, considering what he had just said. 'Yes', he repeated. 'In the end, it's all a question of balance.'"
12. I look forward to 2012.
13. Frankie and I are seriously considering living in a Yurt.
14. I am still looking for that perfect shade of red lipstick.
15. I so deeply love my new family, every single one of them. They are beautiful and unique.
16. I want to time-travel.
17. I love documentaries. Some of my favourites are: Baraka, Born into Brothels, What the bleep do we know, Secret Space, Expelled, Super High Me and Future by Design.
18. I enjoy photography. My dad just gave me his Nikon D-50 and I freakin’ love it!!!
19. Cooking is one of my passions. It brings me such joy to spend the day cooking and sharing a feast with others.
20. My brother-in-law Jeremy and his love Kiera, own a party store. It is the greatest place on earth. It is a big adventure and I know it has brought our family closer. I wish them all the success.
21. I own 10 pairs or shoes and I think that’s too much.
22. Six Feet Under is the greatest show ever. Oz made me puke in my mouth. How I Met Your Mother is one of my guilty pleasures. And Top Gear is just too much fun.
23. I would love an Aston Martin DB5
24. I dream of the day I get to go to the Taj Mahal with Frankie. I want to take him back to the slum I grew up in, the school I went to, the apartment mom and I lived in, and introduce him to the friends I’ve known since I was a toddler.
25. Buddha is my homeboy.