3 Generations - Holly, Kiera and Oliver

Kiera wanted to do a special family session with her mom Holly and son Oliver. She asked me to make her a gift certificate to give Holly over Christmas. Kiera recently moved into her new farm house and it was the perfect place to have this session. Lots and lots of snow on a beautiful January day with pine trees and glowing sunlight. The session was so much fun and Oliver's smile was to die for.. you'll see :)

I found a whole new set of textures to process with and I'm in love with the overall finish of these images.  And I love how Nana Holly is admiring her little prince <3

One of my favourites from our session!

I think my favourite part about shooting in the winter is how delicious the sunlight is bouncing off the snow. It creates the most perfect glowing effect. I prefer working with natural light and I've never been a fan of studio lighting - I only use it as an absolute last resort. I wondered if I could continue shooting outdoors during the winter and how the images would turn out. I can safely say my last two sessions have put the fire under my feet for winter portraits!

It truly amazes how similar Kiera and Oliver are - same grin and same mischief captured on camera for posterity..

looove this one!! such a little monkey he is!

And this is my favourite of Holly and Kiera..

With all my sessions I try to create as many diptychs and triptychs as possible - these look absolutely stunning when enlarged. Here's a little peek at what I created from this session.

"All seasons are beautiful for the person who carries happiness within"-Horace Friess