365 Days of Maya - Day 125 - Same day, last year

One year ago I was planning on quitting my job to take some time off, de-stress and focus more on photography. And then I found out I was pregnant. I remember feeling so confused, happy and sad all at once. We were so excited about having a baby but I so badly wanted to quit my job and do something that made me happy. On August 3rd, 2010 on my father-in-laws birthday we all got together at the farm to celebrate. My father-in-law Frank Sr was reading his birthday card out loud and it said "Dear Dad, we wanted you to have the most perfect birthday present and so you'll have to wait another 8 months for it to be delivered to you. Happy birthday Opa!" Opa, Nana, Grandpa, Bubby and Uncle Jer were jumping around, screaming and congratulating us. At that moment, all my confusion disappeared and I knew that everything was exactly as it should be. More than anything now, I don't want to go back to work after mat leave and would love to be a full-time photographer (It makes me soooooo happy and I'm so bloody good) but I also have to trust that everything is exactly as it should be. 

Dear Maya, one year ago today you were a little bud in mama's belly and now here you are my beautiful precious blossom. To remind me how beautiful life is you blessed us with sweet little giggles for the first time today.