Using cloth diapers is one of the best decisions we've made for Maya and us. We save so much, the only garbage produced is the biodegradable/flushable liner. With home made baby wipes and spray (made with de-mineralized water, olive oil, tea tree oil and organic baby soap) diapering is very cheap in our house. I do laundry every three days and we use the 12 hour disposables for the night time. So a box of 95 disposables last us a very long time. I actually enjoy the ritual of washing, drying and folding her nappies. In the summer we dry them in sunlight and in the winter we add vinegar to the wash, so her nappies are always fresh and free of stains. And when baby number two comes along we can re-use these nappies, saving us even more money. Someday when I'm feeling inspired I'd love to do a photo essay on cloth diapers so mama's out there that are considering it may find it useful.
Cloth diapers are not for everyone but it would be just wonderful if more parents chose to use cloth for their babies (and our home planet).